Source code for neural_pipeline.data_processor.model

import torch
from torch.nn import Module

from neural_pipeline.utils.fsm import CheckpointsManager

__all__ = ['Model']

[docs]class Model: """ Wrapper for :class:`torch.nn.Module`. This class provide initialization, call and serialization for it :param base_model: :class:`torch.nn.Module` object """
[docs] class ModelException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self._msg = msg def __str__(self): return self._msg
def __init__(self, base_model: Module): self._base_model = base_model self._checkpoints_manager = None
[docs] def set_checkpoints_manager(self, manager: CheckpointsManager) -> 'Model': """ Set checkpoints manager, that will be used for identify path for weights file reading an writing :param manager: :class:`CheckpointsManager` instance :return: self object """ self._checkpoints_manager = manager return self
[docs] def model(self) -> Module: """ Get internal :class:`torch.nn.Module` object :return: internal :class:`torch.nn.Module` object """ return self._base_model
[docs] def load_weights(self, weights_file: str = None) -> None: """ Load weight from checkpoint """ if weights_file is not None: file = weights_file else: if self._checkpoints_manager is None: raise self.ModelException('No weights file or CheckpointsManagement specified') file = self._checkpoints_manager.weights_file() print("Model inited by file:", file, end='; ') pretrained_weights = torch.load(file) print("dict len before:", len(pretrained_weights), end='; ') processed = {} model_state_dict = self._base_model.state_dict() for k, v in pretrained_weights.items(): if k.split('.')[0] == 'module' and not isinstance(self._base_model, torch.nn.DataParallel): k = '.'.join(k.split('.')[1:]) elif isinstance(self._base_model, torch.nn.DataParallel) and k.split('.')[0] != 'module': k = 'module.' + k if k in model_state_dict: if v.device != model_state_dict[k].device:[k].device) processed[k] = v self._base_model.load_state_dict(processed) print("dict len after:", len(processed))
[docs] def save_weights(self, weights_file: str = None) -> None: """ Serialize weights to file """ state_dict = self._base_model.state_dict() if weights_file is None: if self._checkpoints_manager is None: raise self.ModelException("Checkpoints manager doesn't specified. Use 'set_checkpoints_manager()'"), self._checkpoints_manager.weights_file()) else:, weights_file)
def __call__(self, x): """ Call torch.nn.Module __call__ method :param x: model input data """ return self._base_model(x)
[docs] def to_device(self, device: torch.device) -> 'Model': """ Pass model to specified device """ return self